He's going to Manila in the Philipines for two years.
He'll be serving the Lord.
He looks good in a suit yeah?
Good, because he'll be wearing
them for two years straight.
He'll be missed. Lots.
Thats Toni.
She's my famous cousin.
The creator of
'Make It Perfect"
'QLD Flood Appeal Auction'.
She's pretty amazing hey?
Click on the little 'Toni' to check out her
and her amazingness.
It's all pretty impressive.
Because I'm a slack blogger and not a very
creative person, I'm just going to put the link here.
Just to show you how awesome she is.
Rumour has it that she wouldn't have done
half of this with out her little helpers.
Helper #1
The King.
From what I gather, this lady has been assisting
in quite a lot of the Flood Appeal managing.
Obviously I'm not all that cluey and don't know
all the details. But from what I understand
she has uploaded a heap of photos of the items for
auctioning on facebook.
How amazing!?
Lucky she can upload photos to any site with her
eyes closed :)
Check out her amazingness at the little
Helper #2
Carli, the sister.
I don't know Carli too well, but I do
know that she's supported Toni through
this Flood Appeal.
I've seen a few comments saying
"Carli, get off my account"
which means Carli has been helping out
on Toni's account.
Carli is pretty amazing.
Her kids are really cute too.
And how gorgeous is this picture?
I wish it was me looking that great in this picture.
Check out her amazingness here.
Well, check out their blogs.
Check out the million action items.
Its so much fun!
These girls are doing an awesome job.
I'm certain there are so so many more people
supporting Toni in the world of blogging and sewing
that I am unaware of.
I think its all a little unreal.
Doesn't really sink into my head how great this is.
Can you believe that they have already raised
$45,000 ?
Does that seem crazy to you?
It does to me.
Amazing people.
Just ...
As I sit, with paper and pen,
I struggle to know where to begin.
What do I say to the one I love?
About the kids or all of the above?
How do I show him how proud I am?
To get him home from Vietnam.
As I sink in the mud to my knees,
A message comes from over seas.
I feel my wife from the inside,
I feel the tears that she has cried.
I wish to hold my children dear,
They would wash away my fear.
My Daddy’s not home, he’s far away,
So Mummy and I kneel to pray.
We bless the strong men and the nurses too,
While we sit in the church on a full pew.
I hope he comes so that we can play,
For Mummy’s baby is due in May.
Thats my poem that I had to write for an ANZAC assembly and that Mrs Sydes made me submit to the school's poetry competition. I won it ! A whole $10 to spend at the canteen :)
In the last couple of weeks of school Del High had their first social for the year! Being a part of the SEC (Student Executive Council) we had the chance to help organise it. Took a while getting everything ready but was so worth it. The theme was movie/tv characters and there were quite a few awesome costumes! I went as a hippy from 'The Hippy Movie' (truth is there is no hippy movie, but I just had all the clothes). Courtney (on the left) and Lauree (on the right) went as genies. It was such a fun night. We had live music from our school bands, they did awesome. I danced crazy all night long, just like I would at a youth dance. A few people asked me if I'd been drinking! Whats with that? Aren't I allowed to have fun and go crazy and be sober at the same time? :) haha, it was a great night!! :D I can't wait for next terms, we hope to get even more people there! :)